Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Going to the Dr. and such...

I love Miles's pediatrician!

He came highly recommended through online reviews and also my friend Lauren (who also happened to recommend my wonderful OB), and I'm glad I listened. He is so kind and easy going, and he is just exactly what I wanted in my baby's doctor.

We went in one week after Miles was born for a weight check and a general once over. I took my mom with me since she was here, and Cameron had to go back to work. As the nurse (who is also the Dr's mom...its a family practice-his dad is the other Dr) took him to weigh him, she let me know that it is normal for babies to lose weight in the first week. Well, not this baby! he weighed 8lbs 14oz! And that's AFTER losing 7oz in the hospital. So in the matter of a week, he had not only gained back those lost ounces, but gained and extra 7oz! He's a good eater, and I was proud of him!

Then, last Thursday we went in for another checkup and his circumcision. Cameron was supposed to come since I did NOT want to be there alone for that visit, but he got a work call just before the appt. and had to go. I wish he hadn't.

The nurse weighed him, and He was 9lbs 10 oz!!!!! After his check-up, the Dr took him for the snip, and I went out to the waiting room. Too bad my baby has healthy lungs! That was hard, but it was fast and went well...AND they took off the umbilical cord since it was hanging on by a string and I told the Dr that Cameron and I were having to hold back from picking at it.

So he went through a rough day and night, but he's doing great now, and I am proud to say that he's been pretty much sleeping through the night! Two nights ago, he slept from 11 to 5, last night it was 10 to 4:45! We are so lucky to have such a good sleeper, and that he has his Dad's laid back easy going personality!!

Grandma & Grandpa Fincke, Aunt Katie, Uncle Andrew & Uncle Danny's Visit!

Ever since I found out I was pregnant, I had been looking forward to my family coming to visit.
My sister Liz (Auntie Fa) came to visit over the summer and brought her boyfriend, Luke and we loved having them here to enjoy my pregnancy with me! Can't wait to see them again for Christmas!

Four days after Miles was born, Aunt Katie flew in despite her husband, Uncle Matt having had surgery the day before to repair a skull fracture! He was fine, and had plenty of family/friends to help out so Katie stuck to the plan and I am so glad she did! I was so happy to have her here, and for her to get to meet Miles so soon after he was born. We spent time visiting and she got plenty of holding time in before my parents and brother arrived Saturday night.
Miles is the first grandchild on my side, so I was beside myself when my parents finally got to meet this little guy we'd all been waiting so long for! Watching my Mom and Dad hold him and Uncle Andrew being so sweet with his little nephew was wonderful. Timing couldn't have been more perfect, either! Cameron had taken the week after Miles's birth off from work so my family arrived to be at home with me when he went back. Couldn't have PLANNED it any better.

We were able to go to Vacaville for church on Sunday to our old church and their pastor was away, so my Dad preached. What a treat. It was great to see and visit with old friends, and then take the family around to show them how Vacaville had changed in the 5 years since they've been gone.

The next Saturday night, Uncle Danny (Cameron's brother) came by to visit while he was in town on business. He was only able to stay until Sunday afternoon, but it was great to have him here to meet Miles. Next time he needs to bring the fam!! :)

It was too fun having everyone here, and it was hard to have them go. My house is so boring during the day without 6 people in it!!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

The day I'd waited 9 months for...

Last pregnant picture!!!

My due date (Friday Oct 2) came and went with no excitement.

The next day, Cameron and I decided to walk. A lot. We went to Fry's (his favorite store) and while he scoped out some ideas for a new computer, I walked around the store for two hours trying to bring on the contractions. I have to say, I was willing to do whatever it took to get this guy to come!

Come Sunday, I had come to the realization that this baby was going to come on his own terms, and he may not be coming before my family (who were flying in the next weekend). This had me almost in tears. Cameron's mom called me that day, and I told her in defeat that STILL nothing was happening. I called my parents like I always do on the weekends to give them the same report...nothing!

Then, in an answer to the prayer I had been saying every night...My water broke.

Around 2PM, I felt it happen, but wasn't positive that is what happened. So Cameron and I both showered and made sure we had everything in our bags and headed to the hospital fully expecting them to send me home, telling me I had just peed my pants. :)

Not the case!!! They admitted me at 5:30 Pm and we had the joy of calling back our families that we had JUST talked to hours before to tell them that He was finally coming!

I was only 2cm (which I had been for the previous two weeks) and the contractions didn't come regularly or very strong, so they decided to let me go overnight and then they would give me a boost with Pitocin if it didn't happen naturally. After a very long sleepless night, They started the Pitocin at 8am, and by 9 I was in active labor! They checked me again and I was still only 3 cm! I was in such pain by then, so they decided to give me the IV pain medication called Stadol to hold me over until I could get an epidural. Let me just say this: I HATE STADOL. As the nusre was injecting me, she stated "now, this will make you feel like you are very drunk...you'll still feel the pain, but you won't care." Whatever! I thought...Well, within a minute, I regretted my choice. I felt so out of control and I was seeing things, the room was blurry and would spin around...not any better than the pain! And I could still feel the pain! And I DID CARE!

They finally came in to give me my epidural which was I'm sure a riot to watch...a very pregnant stoned woman trying to take direction from the nurse...oh my. That epidural made my day!!! It felt glorious, and I was finally able to get a little sleep.

When I woke up, a few of my friends came to see me, and I began the throwing up stage of labor...I have wonderful timing. I sat myself up to make sure I didn't make a mess, and I felt great and was ready to visit. For a bit. No one told me I had to stay laying down with an epidural!!! Aparently, it is a very heavy drug, and it drained out of my spine in no time. I was back to horrible pain again! I called the nurse to get another dose, and she checked me while we waited. Well, I was 9cm! I guess my eyeballs fell out of my head when she told me, because Cameron got a good laugh.

They called my doctor, gave me another dose of the epidural, and set up for delivery. My best friend Mindy was still there, and I asked her to stay and help because I was too tired, and needed the extra encouragement she could bring.

By the time Dr Scates came in, the epidural hadn't worked. I cried and thought about asking him to come back later....I wasn't ready!!! But it was time.

An hour and a half later at 4:11pm, Miles David Stone entered the world, and Cameron looked at me and said "Oh my gosh!!! He's cute!". I couldn't have been happier or more tired, but after all of that I think it was all worth it!

Miles David Stone
Born Oct 5th
8lbs, 7oz


It is finished!

We figured out how to fit all of the furniture in there so that we can still have a guest bed, and we also finished the decorating (and by we I mean Cameron).

Being in too much pain to do any of it myself, Cameron spent a Saturday putting the finishing touches on Miles's room! I smile at it each time I pass, and I cannot WAIT for him to put it to good use!

Sure hope he likes elephants...

So Sorry!

I have been lacking in my bloging lately.
The last 2 months of my pregnancy were very hard on me. It became almost impossible to walk, get up and down, or do anything for myself, so when I did get onto the computer, it was for short little updates on email and facebook.
Now, I will update and try to bring you to the present!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Auntie Fa & Uncle Luke


Finally, the start of my summer has come! Liz & Luke arrived Friday at noon, and we've been non-stop since.

We went to San Francisco yesterday for Miles's first trip to the Zoo, the pier, the beach and to the Golden Gate Bridge. I am definitely not doing that much walking again until after I have Miles, but it was too fun getting to be there for Luke's first time in SF.

AND...Liz and Luke BOTH got to feel Miles kicking and moving around in there! He was pretty active last night after getting home from our busy day and they both had the opportunity to feel him. I love it. It is so exciting for me to be able to share this experience with my sister since we don't get to see each other too often.
Last night after we all went to bed, Miles pumped up the action, and I just watched in awe as he rolled and kicked around in my belly. I am going to be filming it the next time he's that active, because it is just the most amazing thing for me!

In some other news, Mindy had her baby on Wednesday 07/08/09 via c-section after 40 hours of labor. She's a trooper, but I think that the ADORABLE Aiden Vance Johnston was worth all the hard work Mommy and Daddy both put in.



Sunday, July 5, 2009

What's in a Name?

Ok, so we have stayed pretty mum about our name desicion process, and only for our own sanity. We started to talk to people about some names we liked, but each time people would say "Oh...that's...nice" or "I knew someone with that name in high school" and the two of us just didn't want to let other people's opinions change our minds while we were trying to choose. So we decided that until we had one name set in stone (pun intended!!) we would not reveal ANY of the names we were thinking about. We figured once it was decided, no one's opinion would change our minds.
That said, we have decided to name our little Pebble
Miles David Stone
Yes, technically it did start out as a joke to get people off of our backs because EVERYBODY asks what names you have in mind. We wanted something that would be believeable and funny (get it?? Milestone???) But we absolutely fell in love with the name Miles, and really, how can you make fun of someone's name when it sounds like Milestone? It can only mean good things for our little one. He is such a Milestone in our lives, and the lives of friends and family, so it is only fitting, anyway! So it is official. Miles Stone.
27 wks 2 days
Next Dr appt : July 20th

Ultrasounds and Organization

We had a very enjoyable weekend in Reno to celebrate our wedding anniversary, and I felt amazing after my pre-nantal massage. It was so nice to have one last little weekend just the two of us before the madness of visitors and getting ready for baby comes. Didn't help that I fell three days later and re-tweaked my back. Oh well...I guess I need another massage?

Monday the 29th came and we did another ultrasound to check up on Pebble's growth. This time it was too fun, because he has gotten enough fat that now you can really see his features! I got to watch him yawn and take a drink of the fluid, and I realized how big he has gotten since the last ultrasound! We went back in the afternoon to see my doctor and discuss the results of the ultrasound, and Dr. Scates says that Pebble is now measuring perfectly! All of the numbers are "grouped well" and that there is no longer a concern. As of the 29th, he weighed 2lbs, 2oz, and he is right on track for his October 2nd due date.

I myself am growing so much everyday! I am slowly gaining new stretch marks (although they are clear, so I am not too concerned!) and my once never-ending belly button is getting closer and closer to popping out into a snooze button. You can now see both sides of my belly ring hole, and the scar from my gall bladder surgery is now almost all visible (it used to be almost completely hidden inside my belly button). I also have the beginnings of the dark line that goes down the center of your belly. Some women get it all the way from to to bottom of the belly, but mine seems to just be belly button down. I can't believe how much I am changing each day.

We got Pebble's room all cleaned out and the closet organized so all of the clothes-presents and hand me downs-that we have recieved are now hanging up, and the only things in the room are the guest bed (we will need that in there until Christmas, at least...we have so many visitors coming!!!) and his bassinet and stroller. Now if only we can finish organizing the rest of the house...because Liz (my sister) and Luke (her Boyfriend) are coming for a 10 day visit starting this Friday!!! We are so excited! It will be nice to see some of my family while I'm pregnant. My mom will be coming 4 days after Liz & Luke leave, and Cameron's parents will be here then too! We love to have guests here at Stone Inn.

My Baby shower is coming quickly. It will be held on July 25th at my boss' house, and I can't wait for my friends abd family to all get together to help me celebrate my first child. It should be so much fun!!!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

One month later...

I know I have been slacking, and I will do my best to catch up.
Wow, last post I was 19 weeks. I will be 25 weeks tomorrow!! It is hard to believe, because that is when Michelle (my boss, for those of you who don't know) had James. It made her a little emotional when we talked about the fact that I was that far along already. She had such a hard time with those kids, and I am truly blessed that I have made it to 25 weeks with little wrong.

That said, I do have some tests/an ultrasound coming up. Last Tuesday, I recieved a call from my Doctor's assistant asking me if I was able to come in that day to discuss my 19 week ultrasound. Backing up a bit...my Dr appt that I had the week before was supposed to be for that reason, but my Dr ended up getting called in for a delivery, and I saw the nurse instead-never really hearing about my ultrasound. Back to last week. I went in Tues afternoon, and my doctor told me that Pebble's belly is measuring farther along than the rest of his body, and that anytime a belly or head measure large, they need to test further to keep an eye on things. At this point, we are not concerned, but looking forward to seeing what they find. The Ultrasound and an appointment with my Dr will be on the 29th.

In other news

Last time I posted, Cameron was just starting to feel Pebble's harder kicks. Now, it is a NORMAL occurrence. I can see most of the kicks through my belly, and there was one night that he kicked the remote right off my belly. I love this part of the pregnancy. I truly did not like any part up until this. The first few months were just so not fun, but now I am reminded daily of this little guy in there, and that he's moving around like a healthy little baby.

The back pain is one part I could do without. It started a long time ago, but the pain at night now is so bad, I can't even walk some nights. I am hoping that a pre-natal massage this weekend will help to relieve some of the pain.

Shelly (Cameron's sister) got married on June 6th and we drove

up to Boise to be there and be in the wedding. It was such a great time and we loved being with the whole family and just enjoyed the whole week. The day before the wedding, Shelly's wedding photographer did a family photo shoot for us, and they turned out BEAUTIFUL! I am so happy that we got the chance to get us all together for a picture. The photographer even did separate pictures for all the siblings individual families! Cameron and I got some maternity shots!!! Thanks to Carrie Butler, who is a friend to the Stone Family for all that she did for Shelly and Josh that week.




Now, tomorrow we leave for our 1st anniversary celebration (it was last weekend) to Reno. It will most likely be our last bit of relaxing alone time we get for a LONG time, so we will be enjoying ourselves and just doing nothing. Ahhhhh...sounds nice. We had planned on going to Carmel, but instead decided we should go somewhere we can get a nice room for cheap and just order room service and sleep in, and do nothing. I cannot wait.

I made the comment to my mother that it's funny to me that this is our last "vacation" just the two of us, even though it is really only the second vacation we have taken just the two of us!!! We just love to be with friends when we get away! :) My mom laughed at me, because she and my Dad really only got one! (Katie was born BEFORE their first anniversary.) So they have us beat on that record...lol!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Can you feel it?!

"I sure did!!" (that was for you, DAD)
I didn't think it would happen this early on!!!
So last night, I was 19 weeks 3 days. I have been feeling Pebble moving around for a few weeks now, and feeling definite kicks for a few days. I had a Dr. Pepper at about 9pm because my stomach felt a little upset and that always works. We were at Cameron's 9:15 basketball game, so I figured the caffine wouldn't really keep me up in a bad way...it could only help this exhausted preggo!! Well, the caffine affected Pebble for sure!!! all through the game I kept having to change positions because I would get uncomfortable from all the kicking!!! We ended up getting home at 11:00 ( I know! so late!) and I got ready for bed and laid down next to Cameron. Well, Pebble wasn't over the caffine high just yet!! He was going CRAZY in there! I said to Cameron "Ok, these kicks are super hard! I know you probably can't feel them, but try!!"
He sat holding my belly for a good amount of time being so still and patient, and sure enough as I felt a really good one, he said "Oh, I felt THAT!". HE got to feel a couple of good kicks before things calmed down, and We were finally able to rest for the night. I went to sleep with the biggest smile on my face (as did he) because Cameron can finally be a part of this pregnancy and feel how real this all is! His part so far (although so VERY important) has been taking care of me and taking care of the chores I have just been too tired to do. Now, he can feel his son squirming around in there!
By the way, my due date has been moved to October 4th...not too much difference, but a change.
Next Dr Appt : June 1st

Monday, May 11, 2009

Whoops! Forgot one!

They took a 3d picture of his face, too. Not too clear because they say he doesn't have any fat in his face, so you see more of a skeletal structure.
We did the big 'ole ultrasound today!!!

Here is Pebble's head and belly and looking at you

Here you can see a leg and foot, from a side view

And here's the, um, Penis.

And, uh, another angle of the penis.
So, It is undoubtedly a BOY!!! No names yet. We still need to start thinking about that.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Hair Today....STILL THERE tomorrow!

I've heard that pregnancy can change the growth of hair, but geez.
Some women say their hair grows faster, some stronger, some say it falls out. Well, well well. Here I am at 19 weeks, and I can't stand looking at my bare belly! My freakin' hair decided to start growing on my baby bump. It's like a fuzzy navel (ha ha! get it?!)! Cameron swears up and down it's not bad, but I am just not a fan. Does it go away, or am I stuck with wolverine tummy forever?! Luckily, it is light in color. I think I'll manage...LOL
Another hair problem I have had since the beginning is dandruff. Because my skin has dried out so much, I am at a loss for what to do for my scalp. I have had dry skin my whole life and know how to hydrate and use lotion to keep my skin normal. My scalp? Not so much. I've tried all the product out there and I am still dealing with it so I am over trying to get rid of it and instead embracing it.
I went in to the Dr yesterday because I had a weird sensation/pain that was consistent throughout the day and I wasn't so much worried as much as wanting to make sure it was normal. Well, it's not. Here I am on antibiotics for a bladder infection again. So now I will be closely monitored for the rest of the pregnancy so it can be caught and taken care of every time.
Monday is quickly approaching, and we are thrilled to finally know what we are having (yes, I know it's a baby)! We want to start looking for ideas for the nursery, and as much as the frugal fanny in me would like to go gender-neutral I probably won't. We did get the first piece of nursery furniture! One of James' therapists gave us her rocker/glider last weekend, and we LOVE it. It is something I wanted so badly, and now we have one. Another of James's therapists is giving us a bassinet/cradle (Thank you so much, Lauren!!!), and she also gave me a TON of cute maternity clothes! Like I said in the last post, I am so blessed to have the connections I get from my job, and we are so grateful to those we know.
Bed time. Can't keep my eyes open.
Keep on the lookout Monday!!!! Big news WILL be posted-hopefully including pictures!!
Next Dr. Appt : May 11th 10:15 AM

Monday, April 27, 2009

Holy Bugaboo, Batman!

This is the best of the best when it comes to strollers. The model I was given is the Cameleon model, and it has a setting that I can put the baby's car seat right onto it, or use it with a bassinet carriage, or there is a normal stroller seat. This thing moves like buttah, it is so lightweight, and hey, it's trendy!

I got it home and took it out of the box (oh, yes...most of it was still untouched!) and put it together for Cameron to see. He was thoroughly impressed and likes that it isn't too cutesy. I CANNOT believe I am going to be wheeling little Pebble around in something that posh and expensive! The best part is, I didn't have to spend the posh money to get it!

How blessed I am to be in the job I have!

I'm brewin' a ninja!

I felt it!!!
I started to feel movement last week, and on Friday I was on the airplane to Boise and it became VERY clear that that is exactly what I was feeling. Such an exciting hurdle. I have been waiting for this for a while to give me something new and exciting to feel. Hooray!!
Today, I went into the Dr.'s office for my routine check-up. I was weighed (and have now gained 5 lbs) and then the Dr measured the baby over my tummy with a tape measure, and he said that the baby is growing magnificently. Then he listened for the heartbeat and found it right away. I love hearing the heartbeat...anyway, he said that the heartbeat was slower today than the last visit which is good since the last visit it was a bit fast. Then we finished the appointment and he told me to make an appointment for my ultrasound!!!!! He said "Make it for 2-3 weeks from now" so of course I made it two weeks from today! Ican't believe that We will know what little Pebble is in only two short weeks! Ahhh, how nice it will be to be able to finally talk names and pick out clothes and the nursery! We cannot wait.
That's all for now
Next Dr appt: May 11th!!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

"...must be Tuesday!"

Ok, so each and every Tuesday for a while now, I would end up getting sick. I would be great all week, then come Tuesday...sick. After a while, (and mind you, I called Cameron each time I threw up. Don't ask why...I keep him REALLY updated-lol) Cameron would just say "Well, it must be Tuesday!"

Today, I called him at about noon just to say hello and he asked how my morning had gone, fully expecting me to relay a gruesome story of my meeting with the porcelain throne...but I got to say "I feel great!" First time in a long time!! I am so happy to have gotten past this little tiny hurdle. It may not last and I may have it coming to me tomorrow, but I just needed to shout it from the rooftops!!! I am so happy. Still having a hard time with a lot of smells in the mornings which do make me gag, but I can deal with gagging! Once I get past lunch, I am golden.

As far as the baby's growth, I am reading that Pebble is now about 4.5 inches from head to bottom, and little things like taste buds and hearing are being perfected in there! All the books say I should be able to start to feel him/her moving between 16-20 weeks. Friday marks week 16, and I don't know if I'm just over-looking for it, but I do feel SOMETHING. It is ever so faint, and definately not strong enough for me to say I feel the baby for sure, but I think I am starting to feel some flutters!! I am waiting for that "AHA!" moment when I think...Yep, that is what that was!!

I am going up to Boise next week to see Cameron's family and celebrate his sister Shelly's bridal shower and his niece Mya's 1st Birthday. It will be my first time seeing most of them since getting pregnant, and I am so excited to be there! Nervous, though...that's a lot of stuff going on in a 3 day trip, and I'm already tired as it is! I'm gonna be sleeping well on my flight home
. :)

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!

Just want to post a quick little Happy Easter to all my friends and family. Here is my easter gift to you...a picture! Finally!!

Quality is not so great...like I said before, I have no Camera because mine broke. So we used the iPhone which will work well enough for now, but we will get a camera soon!!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

I am 15 weeks?! Where did the time go?!?!

Wow. I have not been on here to update in too long...sorry!
A lot has gone on, too.
On the 23rd of March, I started throwing up in the evening and I knew something was wrong because I really only got sick in the mornings before that. The next morning, I woke up and threw up 3 times before I went to work and also once on the way. By the time I had thrown up 3 more times at work, I realized I could not make it through the day and watch 2 three year olds. James' feeding relies on me (or his Mom) and I knew that His mom needed to come home to take over. I went home, and could not keep ANYTHING down, including water. Come Wednesday (the next) night, I hadn't stopped throwing up so we headed to the E.R. after talking to an advice nurse. Turns out I had a pretty bad bladder infection, and I was severely dehydrated. After a few bags of fluid, a very blurry but exciting first ultrasound (see above) and some antibiotics, we were headed home at 4 in the morning!! Took the next day off, too.
I had a Dr. appointment on the 30th and I FINALLY met my OB! I had seen the nurse up until then. Let me just say that this Dr. had come highly reccomended from a friend, and everytime someone would ask who my Dr was, they would be impressed that I had gotten in with him. I absolutely love my Dr. He is just great. To make matters even better, I was talking to a friend who just delivered (with the same Dr.) and she said that she went into labor on a Saturday and that wasn't his weekend on call. She had been so dissapointed, but understood. Well, he showed up to deliver her son anyway!! Not that I expect the same thing to happen with me, but to see that he cared so much to be there shows me that he is a good person on top of being a good doctor. My appointment went well. The doctor was happy with my progress, although with my being sick the week before, I had lost 15lbs and he was concerned and doesn't want me to lose anymore...as if I was trying! We got to hear the baby's heartbeat for the first time and it was a little fast (so says the Dr.), but he was quick to assure me that that DOES NOT always mean it's a girl. We didn't even think about that, but I guess a lot of women have heard an old wives tale about a faster heartbeat meaning it's a girl. We don't care.
I am still throwing up about 2-3 times a week and I'm waiting for it to subside....maybe??? I have also started getting a tweak in my back pretty regularly, but with a husband who's willing to work out my kinks, I can deal with it.
Each day is a learning experience and comes with a new feeling. I get so tired doing the simplest things-like walking up stairs or making the bed. It is such a weird feeling! It makes me feel helpless, but I am so glad my body tells me when I need to take a break. I am feeling the baby growing more and more, too! I can't feel him/her moving quite yet, but I can definately feel my little pebble in there! My organs are moving all around and they are being pushed up into my ribs. Not the most comfortable thing ever.
I am no longer able to wear my regular pants. I know, I need to post a picture! My camera broke and we are in the process of choosing a new one. I have a generous belly growing a little each day. I like it though.

Next Dr appt : April 27th

PS Mindy is doing GREAT now and has been taken off bedrest. Her back is in much better condition, and she is now at 28 weeks!!!

Sunday, March 8, 2009


Sorry it's been a while...

I had been dealing with some rough morning/all day sickness. I even called in sick to work!! It took a lot of telling myself that I would not be able to take care of two 3 year olds. I think that I am completely over it, though (knock on wood). I haven't even felt nauseous for a few days.

Seriously making up for lost time, and I spent my day cleaning and doing well overdue laundry. I had been slacking the past month because I felt so lazy and just plain yucky, but today I had a rush of energy and a need to clean.

Still feeling tired, but I am able to compensate with a little nap each day while the twins sleep. My muscles and back are sore each day, but that is to be expected.

*On a quick side-note, please keep my friend Mindy in your prayers. She is 24 weeks along and was put on complete bed rest indefinately. She pulled the muscle that connects her spine to her pelvic bones so badly that the pain was putting her into shock and giving her a dangerous temperature. She is now on pain relievers and muscle relaxers in hopes that rest will eventually help to heal her.

Till next time

Next Dr. appt: March 30

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Not exactly the most exciting of visits...

Monday was my very first OB/GYN visit for the pregnancy (sorry it took so long to update about it...explianation later)! It was 9am thank goodness, so I didn't have to wait long. Cameron took the morning off to come along for this momentous occasion in our lives, and we headed off to meet my doctor.

Unfortunately, that never happened. We first talked to the "OB specialist", or a case worker who got us into the system and talked to us about what was to come and about hospitals and such. Then they asked me to do a urine sample. I had been told that they will ask for one at each visit, so I had come prepared and uncomfortable so that I wouldn't have to wait. *Let me slightly backtrack to say that this Dr office is absolutely the nicest I have ever been in. Beautifully decorated and very modern!* Ok. The nurse walked me into the bathroom and asked that I "pee in one of the cups". Well, cup was an OVERstatement!!!! No kidding. There in the bathroom they had a table with DIXIE cups. I was to write my name on it and give it to them when I was done. To say the least, I was a little surprised.

After my close encounter with the dixie cup, Cameron and I went into a room and met with the nurse practitioner. She basically wanted to know how I felt, if I was in pain...all that. She is pleased with my progress and weight gain and that was it. I went afterward to do my bloodtests elsewhere. We won't meet my OB until the next visit, when they will listen for the heartbeat and do all my exams. Hopefully they will give me a better due date then, because I still don't have an exact day! They told me that October 2nd is still the day but my cycles are longer than most women, so they said it will probably be pushed back a week once I have an ultrasound and the baby can be measured.

On a very unexciting note, Tuesday morning ended my no-puking streak. I had been hanging in there with just nausea, but that all ended yesterday. And today got worse. Thankfully (hopefully) it started late and won't last as long as it could...or it may go on until the end. We will see, but I am praying very hard that it doesn't last too long. A massage therapist friend of mine (Tim) told me that ginger root tea, or ginger root boiled in water with a little honey should help to calm my stomach so I went out and bought both!! I will let you all know if it works.

That's it for now!! Till next time...

Next Dr. visit: March 30th 10am

Friday, February 20, 2009

8 weeks

Your Baby's Growth and Development:

Your baby is doing a lot of growing during pregnancy 8 weeks. Up until this point in time your baby had a small tail... that starts to disappear this week, and your little one will soon have eyelids to cover their blossoming eyes. While the arms and legs are also lengthening, the fingers and toes are likely to still be webbed. Your baby's brain is also maturing during pregnancy week 8, as nerve cells begin to connect with one another, forming the groundwork for communication later in life.

Did you know the tip of your baby's nose is even formed by pregnancy 8 weeks? The lungs are also working hard at maturing by pregnancy week 8, though they won't be fully mature until near term. However, tubes leading from your baby's throat to the lungs begin to form branches.
By week eight your baby should also have distinct elbows, which allow the arms to curve around the chest. Your baby's organs continue to develop with lightning quick speed. Before you have time to even blink an eye your little one will resemble a miniature human being, complete with ten fingers, ten toes, skin and all the body parts we all have!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Emotions, Cravings and TIRED, oh my!

I wish I could go back to bed...

At least that's how I feel 90% of the time right now. It doesn't help that this is busy season for my boss, so I have been working some serious overtime. Lucky for me, I work in an environment that allows resting on the couch...if not a quick nap! I am a lucky gal. I hardly get to see Cameron anymore because of my exhaustion. I get home from work and make dinner, but after dinner I fall fast asleep.

I am having small cravings here and there, but nothing weird. Anytime I see food on the TV it makes me either want whats on there or it makes me think of something else I want! I have yet to send Cameron out on a midnight run for ice cream, but I am saving the crazy stuff for later :)

...and the emotions. Oh, the emotions. I certainly do not cry over everything. I don't even necessarily cry over sad or upsetting things. I cry over normal things. When I talk to someone on the phone about my day, I may tear up. I cried earlier tonight because I tasted dinner and it needed some extra seasoning. I always tear up when Cameron and I talk about our plans and ideas for the upcoming months. Happy tears, of course! I just have extra tears and they are willing to come out at any time.

Still feeling things growing. My stomach muscles are always exhausted, and I get cramping here and there as the muscles & ligaments are stretching (I think thats why...that's what I read). I have learned to move a bit slower when I get up from sitting or when I roll over in bed or else I get VERY sharp pain in my abdomen. I hear that this is also normal.

I will be taking a picture in the next week becausr I see that I am starting to show a bit. AT 8 WEEKS. Yikes.

Till next time

Monday, February 16, 2009


7 Weeks, 3 Days

I knew that things were just too good to be true.

Over the past week, I have slowly been feeling the nausea creeping up on me. It started last Monday evening, but I listened to what all the books said and advice I'd been given to eat when you feel sick. So I snacked a little each time I felt it coming on, and I also broke my soda fast that I had been on for almost a year to calm my stomach, and it really worked! Till Saturday night...

Cameron really wanted to go to get steak for Valentines day dinner, so off we went to Tahoe Joes-one of my favorite places. I was fully aware that I can't have my steak undercooked but was willing to suffer just a little to enjoy a good meal. Too bad it didn't taste good AT ALL to me.
In fact, it made things worse! I ate one bite of each thing on my plate and got a box to take it home. After that, I felt sick all night, and all day Sunday. No actual throwing up yet, but I expect the worst and hope for the best.

Another symptom I am going through is that I am having such a hard time sleeping at night! I can fall asleep no problem. I wake up between 1 and 4AM and toss and turn in and out of sleep till I get up. It is oh so frustrating! Hopefully my doctor has a good remedy for that.

I am slowly growing. Not enough to show, but enough to look like I don't know how to pick the right size pants. I sometimes use rubber bands to give me an extra inch or so, but I do enjoy my sweats & yoga pants right now!

That's it for now! Still awaiting the first OB visit on the 23rd!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

My Eggo is Preggo

I have always wanted to be a mom.

They say that women get the urge to have a baby when their friends start to...I think I was born with the bug. I knew that this was my calling in life early on. I even work as a "mom". My parents tell stories about how they used to call me Emily "can I hold your baby" Fincke.

Once I was married though, I decided I wanted to wait just a bit longer so that I could enjoy alone time with my new husband. That time lasted 6 months. We found out on January 24th that we are expecting our first child.

The week before, I was feeling very tired. Overly tired. I told a few people that I couldn't believe how lazy I was feeling. I came home from work and would go to bed, and I was seriously unmotivated to do anything around the house. The morning I found out, I went to do the regular errands and some grocery shopping (mind you, grocery shopping is my favorite thing to do). When I got to the end of my tasks for the day and headed for the grocery store, I got to the parking lot and thought that the smell of the store might make me throw up, and I went home instead. I knew then something was different. I took the test, and waited patiently. When the result came up, it showed negative. I had taken a few tests in the past, so I expected this outcome and figured I was overreacting. A few minutes later, I checked it again "just in case" and it had changed to positive!! A moment I will never forget.

Now, three weeks and three tests later, I am 7 weeks along and feeling something new and different each day. I am going to (try to) chronicle my pregnancy along the way on this blog so that our family and friends all over the country and world have a way to be a part of this new step in our life. We are elated and cannot wait to keep you all posted on our progress!!!!

I will post pictures when things are worth seeing. Right now, I look no different, so no pictures. I promise that when there's a belly, the pics will go up...so don't beg! :)

First Dr. appt : February 23