Monday, April 27, 2009

Holy Bugaboo, Batman!

This is the best of the best when it comes to strollers. The model I was given is the Cameleon model, and it has a setting that I can put the baby's car seat right onto it, or use it with a bassinet carriage, or there is a normal stroller seat. This thing moves like buttah, it is so lightweight, and hey, it's trendy!

I got it home and took it out of the box (oh, yes...most of it was still untouched!) and put it together for Cameron to see. He was thoroughly impressed and likes that it isn't too cutesy. I CANNOT believe I am going to be wheeling little Pebble around in something that posh and expensive! The best part is, I didn't have to spend the posh money to get it!

How blessed I am to be in the job I have!

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