Thursday, May 7, 2009

Hair Today....STILL THERE tomorrow!

I've heard that pregnancy can change the growth of hair, but geez.
Some women say their hair grows faster, some stronger, some say it falls out. Well, well well. Here I am at 19 weeks, and I can't stand looking at my bare belly! My freakin' hair decided to start growing on my baby bump. It's like a fuzzy navel (ha ha! get it?!)! Cameron swears up and down it's not bad, but I am just not a fan. Does it go away, or am I stuck with wolverine tummy forever?! Luckily, it is light in color. I think I'll manage...LOL
Another hair problem I have had since the beginning is dandruff. Because my skin has dried out so much, I am at a loss for what to do for my scalp. I have had dry skin my whole life and know how to hydrate and use lotion to keep my skin normal. My scalp? Not so much. I've tried all the product out there and I am still dealing with it so I am over trying to get rid of it and instead embracing it.
I went in to the Dr yesterday because I had a weird sensation/pain that was consistent throughout the day and I wasn't so much worried as much as wanting to make sure it was normal. Well, it's not. Here I am on antibiotics for a bladder infection again. So now I will be closely monitored for the rest of the pregnancy so it can be caught and taken care of every time.
Monday is quickly approaching, and we are thrilled to finally know what we are having (yes, I know it's a baby)! We want to start looking for ideas for the nursery, and as much as the frugal fanny in me would like to go gender-neutral I probably won't. We did get the first piece of nursery furniture! One of James' therapists gave us her rocker/glider last weekend, and we LOVE it. It is something I wanted so badly, and now we have one. Another of James's therapists is giving us a bassinet/cradle (Thank you so much, Lauren!!!), and she also gave me a TON of cute maternity clothes! Like I said in the last post, I am so blessed to have the connections I get from my job, and we are so grateful to those we know.
Bed time. Can't keep my eyes open.
Keep on the lookout Monday!!!! Big news WILL be posted-hopefully including pictures!!
Next Dr. Appt : May 11th 10:15 AM

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