Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Not exactly the most exciting of visits...

Monday was my very first OB/GYN visit for the pregnancy (sorry it took so long to update about it...explianation later)! It was 9am thank goodness, so I didn't have to wait long. Cameron took the morning off to come along for this momentous occasion in our lives, and we headed off to meet my doctor.

Unfortunately, that never happened. We first talked to the "OB specialist", or a case worker who got us into the system and talked to us about what was to come and about hospitals and such. Then they asked me to do a urine sample. I had been told that they will ask for one at each visit, so I had come prepared and uncomfortable so that I wouldn't have to wait. *Let me slightly backtrack to say that this Dr office is absolutely the nicest I have ever been in. Beautifully decorated and very modern!* Ok. The nurse walked me into the bathroom and asked that I "pee in one of the cups". Well, cup was an OVERstatement!!!! No kidding. There in the bathroom they had a table with DIXIE cups. I was to write my name on it and give it to them when I was done. To say the least, I was a little surprised.

After my close encounter with the dixie cup, Cameron and I went into a room and met with the nurse practitioner. She basically wanted to know how I felt, if I was in pain...all that. She is pleased with my progress and weight gain and that was it. I went afterward to do my bloodtests elsewhere. We won't meet my OB until the next visit, when they will listen for the heartbeat and do all my exams. Hopefully they will give me a better due date then, because I still don't have an exact day! They told me that October 2nd is still the day but my cycles are longer than most women, so they said it will probably be pushed back a week once I have an ultrasound and the baby can be measured.

On a very unexciting note, Tuesday morning ended my no-puking streak. I had been hanging in there with just nausea, but that all ended yesterday. And today got worse. Thankfully (hopefully) it started late and won't last as long as it could...or it may go on until the end. We will see, but I am praying very hard that it doesn't last too long. A massage therapist friend of mine (Tim) told me that ginger root tea, or ginger root boiled in water with a little honey should help to calm my stomach so I went out and bought both!! I will let you all know if it works.

That's it for now!! Till next time...

Next Dr. visit: March 30th 10am

Friday, February 20, 2009

8 weeks

Your Baby's Growth and Development:

Your baby is doing a lot of growing during pregnancy 8 weeks. Up until this point in time your baby had a small tail... that starts to disappear this week, and your little one will soon have eyelids to cover their blossoming eyes. While the arms and legs are also lengthening, the fingers and toes are likely to still be webbed. Your baby's brain is also maturing during pregnancy week 8, as nerve cells begin to connect with one another, forming the groundwork for communication later in life.

Did you know the tip of your baby's nose is even formed by pregnancy 8 weeks? The lungs are also working hard at maturing by pregnancy week 8, though they won't be fully mature until near term. However, tubes leading from your baby's throat to the lungs begin to form branches.
By week eight your baby should also have distinct elbows, which allow the arms to curve around the chest. Your baby's organs continue to develop with lightning quick speed. Before you have time to even blink an eye your little one will resemble a miniature human being, complete with ten fingers, ten toes, skin and all the body parts we all have!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Emotions, Cravings and TIRED, oh my!

I wish I could go back to bed...

At least that's how I feel 90% of the time right now. It doesn't help that this is busy season for my boss, so I have been working some serious overtime. Lucky for me, I work in an environment that allows resting on the couch...if not a quick nap! I am a lucky gal. I hardly get to see Cameron anymore because of my exhaustion. I get home from work and make dinner, but after dinner I fall fast asleep.

I am having small cravings here and there, but nothing weird. Anytime I see food on the TV it makes me either want whats on there or it makes me think of something else I want! I have yet to send Cameron out on a midnight run for ice cream, but I am saving the crazy stuff for later :)

...and the emotions. Oh, the emotions. I certainly do not cry over everything. I don't even necessarily cry over sad or upsetting things. I cry over normal things. When I talk to someone on the phone about my day, I may tear up. I cried earlier tonight because I tasted dinner and it needed some extra seasoning. I always tear up when Cameron and I talk about our plans and ideas for the upcoming months. Happy tears, of course! I just have extra tears and they are willing to come out at any time.

Still feeling things growing. My stomach muscles are always exhausted, and I get cramping here and there as the muscles & ligaments are stretching (I think thats why...that's what I read). I have learned to move a bit slower when I get up from sitting or when I roll over in bed or else I get VERY sharp pain in my abdomen. I hear that this is also normal.

I will be taking a picture in the next week becausr I see that I am starting to show a bit. AT 8 WEEKS. Yikes.

Till next time

Monday, February 16, 2009


7 Weeks, 3 Days

I knew that things were just too good to be true.

Over the past week, I have slowly been feeling the nausea creeping up on me. It started last Monday evening, but I listened to what all the books said and advice I'd been given to eat when you feel sick. So I snacked a little each time I felt it coming on, and I also broke my soda fast that I had been on for almost a year to calm my stomach, and it really worked! Till Saturday night...

Cameron really wanted to go to get steak for Valentines day dinner, so off we went to Tahoe Joes-one of my favorite places. I was fully aware that I can't have my steak undercooked but was willing to suffer just a little to enjoy a good meal. Too bad it didn't taste good AT ALL to me.
In fact, it made things worse! I ate one bite of each thing on my plate and got a box to take it home. After that, I felt sick all night, and all day Sunday. No actual throwing up yet, but I expect the worst and hope for the best.

Another symptom I am going through is that I am having such a hard time sleeping at night! I can fall asleep no problem. I wake up between 1 and 4AM and toss and turn in and out of sleep till I get up. It is oh so frustrating! Hopefully my doctor has a good remedy for that.

I am slowly growing. Not enough to show, but enough to look like I don't know how to pick the right size pants. I sometimes use rubber bands to give me an extra inch or so, but I do enjoy my sweats & yoga pants right now!

That's it for now! Still awaiting the first OB visit on the 23rd!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

My Eggo is Preggo

I have always wanted to be a mom.

They say that women get the urge to have a baby when their friends start to...I think I was born with the bug. I knew that this was my calling in life early on. I even work as a "mom". My parents tell stories about how they used to call me Emily "can I hold your baby" Fincke.

Once I was married though, I decided I wanted to wait just a bit longer so that I could enjoy alone time with my new husband. That time lasted 6 months. We found out on January 24th that we are expecting our first child.

The week before, I was feeling very tired. Overly tired. I told a few people that I couldn't believe how lazy I was feeling. I came home from work and would go to bed, and I was seriously unmotivated to do anything around the house. The morning I found out, I went to do the regular errands and some grocery shopping (mind you, grocery shopping is my favorite thing to do). When I got to the end of my tasks for the day and headed for the grocery store, I got to the parking lot and thought that the smell of the store might make me throw up, and I went home instead. I knew then something was different. I took the test, and waited patiently. When the result came up, it showed negative. I had taken a few tests in the past, so I expected this outcome and figured I was overreacting. A few minutes later, I checked it again "just in case" and it had changed to positive!! A moment I will never forget.

Now, three weeks and three tests later, I am 7 weeks along and feeling something new and different each day. I am going to (try to) chronicle my pregnancy along the way on this blog so that our family and friends all over the country and world have a way to be a part of this new step in our life. We are elated and cannot wait to keep you all posted on our progress!!!!

I will post pictures when things are worth seeing. Right now, I look no different, so no pictures. I promise that when there's a belly, the pics will go don't beg! :)

First Dr. appt : February 23