Sunday, February 15, 2009

My Eggo is Preggo

I have always wanted to be a mom.

They say that women get the urge to have a baby when their friends start to...I think I was born with the bug. I knew that this was my calling in life early on. I even work as a "mom". My parents tell stories about how they used to call me Emily "can I hold your baby" Fincke.

Once I was married though, I decided I wanted to wait just a bit longer so that I could enjoy alone time with my new husband. That time lasted 6 months. We found out on January 24th that we are expecting our first child.

The week before, I was feeling very tired. Overly tired. I told a few people that I couldn't believe how lazy I was feeling. I came home from work and would go to bed, and I was seriously unmotivated to do anything around the house. The morning I found out, I went to do the regular errands and some grocery shopping (mind you, grocery shopping is my favorite thing to do). When I got to the end of my tasks for the day and headed for the grocery store, I got to the parking lot and thought that the smell of the store might make me throw up, and I went home instead. I knew then something was different. I took the test, and waited patiently. When the result came up, it showed negative. I had taken a few tests in the past, so I expected this outcome and figured I was overreacting. A few minutes later, I checked it again "just in case" and it had changed to positive!! A moment I will never forget.

Now, three weeks and three tests later, I am 7 weeks along and feeling something new and different each day. I am going to (try to) chronicle my pregnancy along the way on this blog so that our family and friends all over the country and world have a way to be a part of this new step in our life. We are elated and cannot wait to keep you all posted on our progress!!!!

I will post pictures when things are worth seeing. Right now, I look no different, so no pictures. I promise that when there's a belly, the pics will go don't beg! :)

First Dr. appt : February 23

1 comment:

  1. Emily this is such a wonderful idea. Hope you have a terrific pregnancy, and I know you will enjoy having a record of how everything went this time! And again, most hearty congratulations!! :-)
