Ok, so each and every Tuesday for a while now, I would end up getting sick. I would be great all week, then come Tuesday...sick. After a while, (and mind you, I called Cameron each time I threw up. Don't ask why...I keep him REALLY updated-lol) Cameron would just say "Well, it must be Tuesday!"
Today, I called him at about noon just to say hello and he asked how my morning had gone, fully expecting me to relay a gruesome story of my meeting with the porcelain throne...but I got to say "I feel great!" First time in a long time!! I am so happy to have gotten past this little tiny hurdle. It may not last and I may have it coming to me tomorrow, but I just needed to shout it from the rooftops!!! I am so happy. Still having a hard time with a lot of smells in the mornings which do make me gag, but I can deal with gagging! Once I get past lunch, I am golden.
As far as the baby's growth, I am reading that Pebble is now about 4.5 inches from head to bottom, and little things like taste buds and hearing are being perfected in there! All the books say I should be able to start to feel him/her moving between 16-20 weeks. Friday marks week 16, and I don't know if I'm just over-looking for it, but I do feel SOMETHING. It is ever so faint, and definately not strong enough for me to say I feel the baby for sure, but I think I am starting to feel some flutters!! I am waiting for that "AHA!" moment when I think...Yep, that is what that was!!
I am going up to Boise next week to see Cameron's family and celebrate his sister Shelly's bridal shower and his niece Mya's 1st Birthday. It will be my first time seeing most of them since getting pregnant, and I am so excited to be there! Nervous, though...that's a lot of stuff going on in a 3 day trip, and I'm already tired as it is! I'm gonna be sleeping well on my flight home. :)