Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Going to the Dr. and such...

I love Miles's pediatrician!

He came highly recommended through online reviews and also my friend Lauren (who also happened to recommend my wonderful OB), and I'm glad I listened. He is so kind and easy going, and he is just exactly what I wanted in my baby's doctor.

We went in one week after Miles was born for a weight check and a general once over. I took my mom with me since she was here, and Cameron had to go back to work. As the nurse (who is also the Dr's mom...its a family practice-his dad is the other Dr) took him to weigh him, she let me know that it is normal for babies to lose weight in the first week. Well, not this baby! he weighed 8lbs 14oz! And that's AFTER losing 7oz in the hospital. So in the matter of a week, he had not only gained back those lost ounces, but gained and extra 7oz! He's a good eater, and I was proud of him!

Then, last Thursday we went in for another checkup and his circumcision. Cameron was supposed to come since I did NOT want to be there alone for that visit, but he got a work call just before the appt. and had to go. I wish he hadn't.

The nurse weighed him, and He was 9lbs 10 oz!!!!! After his check-up, the Dr took him for the snip, and I went out to the waiting room. Too bad my baby has healthy lungs! That was hard, but it was fast and went well...AND they took off the umbilical cord since it was hanging on by a string and I told the Dr that Cameron and I were having to hold back from picking at it.

So he went through a rough day and night, but he's doing great now, and I am proud to say that he's been pretty much sleeping through the night! Two nights ago, he slept from 11 to 5, last night it was 10 to 4:45! We are so lucky to have such a good sleeper, and that he has his Dad's laid back easy going personality!!

Grandma & Grandpa Fincke, Aunt Katie, Uncle Andrew & Uncle Danny's Visit!

Ever since I found out I was pregnant, I had been looking forward to my family coming to visit.
My sister Liz (Auntie Fa) came to visit over the summer and brought her boyfriend, Luke and we loved having them here to enjoy my pregnancy with me! Can't wait to see them again for Christmas!

Four days after Miles was born, Aunt Katie flew in despite her husband, Uncle Matt having had surgery the day before to repair a skull fracture! He was fine, and had plenty of family/friends to help out so Katie stuck to the plan and I am so glad she did! I was so happy to have her here, and for her to get to meet Miles so soon after he was born. We spent time visiting and she got plenty of holding time in before my parents and brother arrived Saturday night.
Miles is the first grandchild on my side, so I was beside myself when my parents finally got to meet this little guy we'd all been waiting so long for! Watching my Mom and Dad hold him and Uncle Andrew being so sweet with his little nephew was wonderful. Timing couldn't have been more perfect, either! Cameron had taken the week after Miles's birth off from work so my family arrived to be at home with me when he went back. Couldn't have PLANNED it any better.

We were able to go to Vacaville for church on Sunday to our old church and their pastor was away, so my Dad preached. What a treat. It was great to see and visit with old friends, and then take the family around to show them how Vacaville had changed in the 5 years since they've been gone.

The next Saturday night, Uncle Danny (Cameron's brother) came by to visit while he was in town on business. He was only able to stay until Sunday afternoon, but it was great to have him here to meet Miles. Next time he needs to bring the fam!! :)

It was too fun having everyone here, and it was hard to have them go. My house is so boring during the day without 6 people in it!!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

The day I'd waited 9 months for...

Last pregnant picture!!!

My due date (Friday Oct 2) came and went with no excitement.

The next day, Cameron and I decided to walk. A lot. We went to Fry's (his favorite store) and while he scoped out some ideas for a new computer, I walked around the store for two hours trying to bring on the contractions. I have to say, I was willing to do whatever it took to get this guy to come!

Come Sunday, I had come to the realization that this baby was going to come on his own terms, and he may not be coming before my family (who were flying in the next weekend). This had me almost in tears. Cameron's mom called me that day, and I told her in defeat that STILL nothing was happening. I called my parents like I always do on the weekends to give them the same report...nothing!

Then, in an answer to the prayer I had been saying every night...My water broke.

Around 2PM, I felt it happen, but wasn't positive that is what happened. So Cameron and I both showered and made sure we had everything in our bags and headed to the hospital fully expecting them to send me home, telling me I had just peed my pants. :)

Not the case!!! They admitted me at 5:30 Pm and we had the joy of calling back our families that we had JUST talked to hours before to tell them that He was finally coming!

I was only 2cm (which I had been for the previous two weeks) and the contractions didn't come regularly or very strong, so they decided to let me go overnight and then they would give me a boost with Pitocin if it didn't happen naturally. After a very long sleepless night, They started the Pitocin at 8am, and by 9 I was in active labor! They checked me again and I was still only 3 cm! I was in such pain by then, so they decided to give me the IV pain medication called Stadol to hold me over until I could get an epidural. Let me just say this: I HATE STADOL. As the nusre was injecting me, she stated "now, this will make you feel like you are very drunk...you'll still feel the pain, but you won't care." Whatever! I thought...Well, within a minute, I regretted my choice. I felt so out of control and I was seeing things, the room was blurry and would spin around...not any better than the pain! And I could still feel the pain! And I DID CARE!

They finally came in to give me my epidural which was I'm sure a riot to watch...a very pregnant stoned woman trying to take direction from the nurse...oh my. That epidural made my day!!! It felt glorious, and I was finally able to get a little sleep.

When I woke up, a few of my friends came to see me, and I began the throwing up stage of labor...I have wonderful timing. I sat myself up to make sure I didn't make a mess, and I felt great and was ready to visit. For a bit. No one told me I had to stay laying down with an epidural!!! Aparently, it is a very heavy drug, and it drained out of my spine in no time. I was back to horrible pain again! I called the nurse to get another dose, and she checked me while we waited. Well, I was 9cm! I guess my eyeballs fell out of my head when she told me, because Cameron got a good laugh.

They called my doctor, gave me another dose of the epidural, and set up for delivery. My best friend Mindy was still there, and I asked her to stay and help because I was too tired, and needed the extra encouragement she could bring.

By the time Dr Scates came in, the epidural hadn't worked. I cried and thought about asking him to come back later....I wasn't ready!!! But it was time.

An hour and a half later at 4:11pm, Miles David Stone entered the world, and Cameron looked at me and said "Oh my gosh!!! He's cute!". I couldn't have been happier or more tired, but after all of that I think it was all worth it!

Miles David Stone
Born Oct 5th
8lbs, 7oz


It is finished!

We figured out how to fit all of the furniture in there so that we can still have a guest bed, and we also finished the decorating (and by we I mean Cameron).

Being in too much pain to do any of it myself, Cameron spent a Saturday putting the finishing touches on Miles's room! I smile at it each time I pass, and I cannot WAIT for him to put it to good use!

Sure hope he likes elephants...

So Sorry!

I have been lacking in my bloging lately.
The last 2 months of my pregnancy were very hard on me. It became almost impossible to walk, get up and down, or do anything for myself, so when I did get onto the computer, it was for short little updates on email and facebook.
Now, I will update and try to bring you to the present!