Thursday, June 18, 2009

One month later...

I know I have been slacking, and I will do my best to catch up.
Wow, last post I was 19 weeks. I will be 25 weeks tomorrow!! It is hard to believe, because that is when Michelle (my boss, for those of you who don't know) had James. It made her a little emotional when we talked about the fact that I was that far along already. She had such a hard time with those kids, and I am truly blessed that I have made it to 25 weeks with little wrong.

That said, I do have some tests/an ultrasound coming up. Last Tuesday, I recieved a call from my Doctor's assistant asking me if I was able to come in that day to discuss my 19 week ultrasound. Backing up a Dr appt that I had the week before was supposed to be for that reason, but my Dr ended up getting called in for a delivery, and I saw the nurse instead-never really hearing about my ultrasound. Back to last week. I went in Tues afternoon, and my doctor told me that Pebble's belly is measuring farther along than the rest of his body, and that anytime a belly or head measure large, they need to test further to keep an eye on things. At this point, we are not concerned, but looking forward to seeing what they find. The Ultrasound and an appointment with my Dr will be on the 29th.

In other news

Last time I posted, Cameron was just starting to feel Pebble's harder kicks. Now, it is a NORMAL occurrence. I can see most of the kicks through my belly, and there was one night that he kicked the remote right off my belly. I love this part of the pregnancy. I truly did not like any part up until this. The first few months were just so not fun, but now I am reminded daily of this little guy in there, and that he's moving around like a healthy little baby.

The back pain is one part I could do without. It started a long time ago, but the pain at night now is so bad, I can't even walk some nights. I am hoping that a pre-natal massage this weekend will help to relieve some of the pain.

Shelly (Cameron's sister) got married on June 6th and we drove

up to Boise to be there and be in the wedding. It was such a great time and we loved being with the whole family and just enjoyed the whole week. The day before the wedding, Shelly's wedding photographer did a family photo shoot for us, and they turned out BEAUTIFUL! I am so happy that we got the chance to get us all together for a picture. The photographer even did separate pictures for all the siblings individual families! Cameron and I got some maternity shots!!! Thanks to Carrie Butler, who is a friend to the Stone Family for all that she did for Shelly and Josh that week.




Now, tomorrow we leave for our 1st anniversary celebration (it was last weekend) to Reno. It will most likely be our last bit of relaxing alone time we get for a LONG time, so we will be enjoying ourselves and just doing nothing. Ahhhhh...sounds nice. We had planned on going to Carmel, but instead decided we should go somewhere we can get a nice room for cheap and just order room service and sleep in, and do nothing. I cannot wait.

I made the comment to my mother that it's funny to me that this is our last "vacation" just the two of us, even though it is really only the second vacation we have taken just the two of us!!! We just love to be with friends when we get away! :) My mom laughed at me, because she and my Dad really only got one! (Katie was born BEFORE their first anniversary.) So they have us beat on that!